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Raw Mode

Setting a codeblock to run in raw mode is a unique feature introduced in v1.6.0.

It allows you to display a gist in a web-browser environment instead of as a simple codeblock. This is useful for gists which include mermaid graphs.

Github has configured gists to require numerous javascript files in order to navigate the graph and view the data; which cannot be obtained through conventional methods that are used for normal codeblocks / text. Whereas raw mode allows for these javascript files to be loaded locally in your Obsidian notes.

Website Support

Raw Mode was specially developed as a way to display gists with mermaid graphs; however, raw mode will actually work for any website on the internet being displayed.

Cookies & Sign-in

Raw mode allows you to view a full version of the specified website; which means you also have the option to sign into websites such as Github just as you would in a normal browser. This gives you access to not only view your gists, but also edit them, as well as view any other content available on Github or your Opengist website.

Enabling Raw Mode

To switch your codeblock from a normal text codeblock over to raw mode; you must structure your codeblock in the following manner:

raw:     true
zoom:    0.8
height:  500

Additional Properties

Along with specifying raw, you also have access to the properties:

  • zoom
  • height

Property Description
zoom (Raw Mode Only): Determines how big the content and text will appear in the gist window. Default value: 1. 50% would be 0.5
height (Raw Mode Only): Specify the height of the window when displaying a gist.
css (Raw Mode Only): Allows you to override a targeted website's default css

Detailed information on these properties can be found on the Properties page.