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These settings an be accessed via the Gistr Plugin Settings.

  • Open Obsidian Settings ⚙️ interface
  • Select Community Plugins in left menu
  • Locate Gistr plugin, and click Settings ⚙️ icon
  • Click the Opengist tab

Gistr > Settings > Opengist
Gistr > Settings > Opengist

Codeblock Background Color

1.2.0 #E5E5E5 | #121315     

These settings allow you to adjust the overall background color of the codeblock. The setting is broken up into two schemes; light and dark.

Codeblock Background Color (Light)
Codeblock Background Color (Light)
Codeblock Background Color (Dark)
Codeblock Background Color (Dark)

Codeblock Text Color

1.2.0 #2A2626 | #CAD3F5     

These settings allow you to adjust the overall text color of the codeblock. This is the color of text that is not affected by syntax highlighting; which is dependent on the language the codeblock is written for. The setting is broken up into two schemes; light and dark.

Codeblock Scrollbar Track Color

1.2.0 #BA4956 | #4960BA     

These settings allow you to adjust the color of the horizontal scrollbar which appears within codeblocks which have scrolling enabled, or the text exceeds the width of the codeblock. The setting is broken up into two schemes; light and dark.

Codeblock Opacity

1.3.0 1

This setting allow you to adjust the opacity / transparency of the codeblocks. Acceptable values are between 0 - 1, with numbers in the middle being decimals.

Value Percentage Note
0 0% completely invisible
0.25 25% one quarter ¼ visible
0.50 50% one half ½ as visibile as normal
1 100% completely visible

Padding Top

1.4.0 16

This setting allows you to adjust the padding that rests between the top header bar, and the actual codeblock with the text.

Padding Bottom

1.4.0 19

This setting allows you to adjust the padding that rests between the codeblock which contains all of your text, and the footer bar which displays information about your gist.

Custom CSS

1.0.0 none

This setting allows you to override the default CSS for Github and use your own color scheme.