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These settings an be accessed via the Gistr Plugin Settings.

  • Open Obsidian Settings ⚙️ interface
  • Select Community Plugins in left menu
  • Locate Gistr plugin, and click Settings ⚙️ icon
  • Click the Github tab

Gistr > Settings > Github
Gistr > Settings > Github

Personal Access Token

1.3.0 none

The Personal Access Token is a token given to you by Github which allows you to access your Github account from 3rd party services such as If you are simply reading gists from within your Obsidian notes; you do not need a Github token, however, if you want to make use of the feature to create and update gists from Obsidian to Github; you must have a Github token linked to the Gistr Github settings.

name:         Github: Create Token

Visit the link above, ensure you are signed in to Github.

Generate new fine-grained token
Generate new fine-grained token

Click Generate New Token

Provide fine-grained token name and description
Provide fine-grained token name and description

Fill in the top part of the form with information similar to what is provided in the screenshot above. For the Expiration; you are only allowed to specify a max of 1 year in the future. So be aware that in one year, you must come back to this page, and create a new token.

When everything is filled out, scroll down to Repository Access:

Target repository selection
Target repository selection

Select All Repositories

You will need to apply the following permission changes under the two sections.

Category Permission Name Set To
Account Permissions Gists Read-and-write
Repository Permissions Pull Requests Read-only
Repository Permissions Contents Read-only
Repository Permissions Issues Read-only

You should have the following when you scroll to the bottom:

Github token permission requirements
Github token permission requirements

Be aware that the permission Metadata is manditory, so it will automatically be granted permission when you enable the others. It should be set to Read-Only

After confirming the permissions, click Generate Token

Creating a fine-grained Github token
Creating a fine-grained Github token

Your new personal access token will be generated. Copy this token somewhere secure such as in a password manager like Bitwarden or KeePassXC.

Next, launch Obsidian and click the Settings Cog Icon ⚙️. On the left, select Community Plugins and find the Gistr plugin.

Ensure Gistr is enabled by clicking the toggle icon, and then click the cog icon ⚙️ to access the plugin settings.

Click the Github tab in the Gistr plugin settings, and navigate to the Personal Access Token textbox. You will need to paste your token here.

Enter and apply github token
Enter and apply github token

You should also see a notification if your token has been accepted and applied:

Valid Github Token detected
Valid Github Token detected

You are now ready to create and update gists to Github.

Codeblock Background Color

1.2.0 #E5E5E5 | #121315     

These settings allow you to adjust the overall background color of the codeblock. The setting is broken up into two schemes; light and dark.

Codeblock Background Color (Light)
Codeblock Background Color (Light)
Codeblock Background Color (Dark)
Codeblock Background Color (Dark)

Codeblock Text Color

1.2.0 #2A2626 | #CAD3F5     

These settings allow you to adjust the overall text color of the codeblock. This is the color of text that is not affected by syntax highlighting; which is dependent on the language the codeblock is written for. The setting is broken up into two schemes; light and dark.

Codeblock Scrollbar Track Color

1.2.0 #BA4956 | #4960BA     

These settings allow you to adjust the color of the horizontal scrollbar which appears within codeblocks which have scrolling enabled, or the text exceeds the width of the codeblock. The setting is broken up into two schemes; light and dark.

Codeblock Opacity

1.3.0 1

This setting allow you to adjust the opacity / transparency of the codeblocks. Acceptable values are between 0 - 1, with numbers in the middle being decimals.

Value Percentage Note
0 0% completely invisible
0.25 25% one quarter ¼ visible
0.50 50% one half ½ as visibile as normal
1 100% completely visible

Custom CSS

1.0.0 none

This setting allows you to override the default CSS for Github and use your own color scheme.