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Version Downloads Repo Size Last Commit)

1.6.8 April 26, 2024

  • build: updated main gistr.js build script
  • dep: bump rollup from 4.14.0 to 4.16.4
  • dep: bump electron from 29.2.0 to 30.0.1
  • dep: bump @codemirror/view from 6.26.1 to 6.26.3
  • dep: bump @types/node from 20.12.5 to 20.12.7
  • dep: bump @types/chrome from 0.0.265 to 0.0.266

1.6.7 April 05, 2024

  • dep: bump @types/chrome from 0.0.263 to 0.0.265
  • dep: bump @types/node from 20.12.4 to 20.12.5

1.6.6 April 04, 2024

  • dep: bump @types/node from 20.12.3 to 20.12.4
  • dep: bump @octokit/rest from 20.0.2 to 20.1.0
  • build: update rollup build scripts

1.6.5 April 04, 2024

  • chore: update language entries
  • chore: update environment vars for branch main and stable
  • change: github default dark theme scrollbar color
  • change: add Env.Api to store api links
  • change: remove 'AppBase' declaration, migrated to pluginBase
  • tests: bump version 1.6.5
  • fix: opengist bug improperly formatting text
  • fix: css syntax errors

1.6.4 April 02, 2024

  • feat: add gistr-web codeblock as alternative to raw: true
  • change: remove spacer from documentation button in Gistr settings
  • chore: clean up developer prints
  • chore: give integrated browser unique id as to not conflict with other plugins
  • fix: report latest version in settings tab with alternative vars
  • fix: update checker getting stuck when it cannot contact the github branch
  • tests: bump demo vault 1.6.4
  • dep: update types/node 20.11.30 -> 20.12.3
  • build: bump version v1.6.4

1.6.3 April 01, 2024

  • feat: added property css for raw mode
  • change: added documentation button to Gistr settings support tab
  • change: uuid for gists now generated by in-house method instead of nanoid
  • refactor: major clean up of code, old dependency remnants, and tidy up code
  • perf: further enhanced performance times and how caching is managed for codeblocks embedded in a note
  • change: prep-work for next major release and new features coming out, including Github repo support
  • dep: update rollup 3.29.3 -> 4.13.2
  • dep: added @rollup/plugin-replace
  • remove: rollup-plugin-define
  • remove: nanoid
  • build: github bot @AdminServ now verified

1.6.2 March 31, 2024

  • fix: update language entries, fixed a few typos
  • fix: update leaf header icon tooltip
  • change: time formatting link in settings changed to:
  • change: default autosave duration, 15 -> 120 seconds
  • change: datetime format url switched over to mkdocs
  • dep: bump electron from 23.3.13 to 29.1.6
  • dep: bump typescript from 4.9.5 to 5.4.3

1.6.1 March 30, 2024

  • feat: added new header ribbon button refresh which can be enabled in Gistr Global Settings
    • can be enabled in Gistr Settings panel under Global with new setting labeled Enable refresh icon
    • Allows you to force refresh all of your embedded gist blocks when you change colors and see changes immediately. Gistr initially caches everything so that codeblocks are quicker to load.
  • change: updated Gistr settings panel link for Personal Access Token documentation, goes to new docs website now
  • perf: optimized loading of blocks when Obsidian first launched

1.6.0 March 29, 2024

  • feat: added raw property
    • added property height
    • added property zoom
    • height and zoom only available in raw mode
  • feat: added ability to view gists with a secondary method which acts as a browser. gives the ability to sign into Github, view, and edit gists.
  • feat: added compatibility for Gist mermaid graphs
  • dep: added Saturyn package for Chromium integration
  • perf optimizations for loading gists and caching information
  • docs: updated demo vault to include new examples and the introduction of property mode

1.5.0 March 25, 2024

  • feat: added new format for embedded gists
  • feat: added 'background' property to codeblocks
  • feat: added 'color' property to codeblocks
  • refactor: replaced individual variables with style interface
  • perf: optmizations to performance, no longer sending 1 call per line.

1.4.7 March 23, 2024

  • change: updated Github light theme color scheme
  • variables were showing up as bright colors. set light theme to match the color scheme used on
  • chore: update types/mode dependency to 20.11.30
  • change: implement new regex pattern which will allow for v1.5.0 new format coming

1.4.6 March 15, 2024

  • feat: ability to specify custom datetime format for gists in save list
    • new setting added under Gist Save & Sync section
  • feat: ability to specify showing public and secret gists in save list by themselves or together
    • new setting added under Gist Save & Sync section
  • change: operating system desktop notification for available updates.
    • ties into the autoupdate toggle setting so that it can be enabled / disabled
  • package: added moment.js package for datetime formatting
  • remove: removed old datetime method

1.4.5 March 14, 2024

  • feat: added ribbon icons on left side of Obsidian
  • feat: added new setting to enable/disable ribbon
  • chore: revised code to make plugin compatible with newer dependencies
  • chore: updated dependency rollup from v2 to v3

1.4.4 March 12, 2024

  • refactor: completely changed the structure of the plugin in order to get organized so that new Github features can be added.
  • fix: corrected icons missing
  • change: adjusted the timeout duration so that things are quicker to respond
  • change: added a number of new commands that will be used for connecting OpenGist with Github note saving
  • perf: optimized numerous methods for performance purposes

1.4.3 March 12, 2024

  • refactor: completely changed the structure of the plugin in order to get organized so that new Github features can be added.
  • fix: corrected icons missing
  • change: adjusted the timeout duration so that things are quicker to respond
  • change: added a number of new commands that will be used for connecting OpenGist with Github note saving
  • perf: optimized numerous methods for performance purposes

1.4.2 March 11, 2024

  • feat: added Reset Defaults option to all settings so that users can convert back to default settings on any property
  • feat: added plugin update check to Support tab in Gistr plugin settings
  • change: updated css so that buttons, sliders, and dropdowns would use a proper pointer on any theme, but only for gistr
  • change: re-structured settings functionality in Gistr (only noteworthy to developer)
  • fix: default bottom padding for OpenGist to match top padding

1.4.1 March 10, 2024

  • feat: added global setting to disable Gistr update notifications
  • feat: added additional settings to control the colors of things in the Settings interface.
  • accessible by installing the Obsidian Style Settings plugin.
  • build: users now get notifications in Obsidian when beta releases of the plugin are available.
    • can be installed using the BRAT plugin, OR;
    • can be installed manually by downloading and manually copying over the .js, .json, and .css files in the releases section
  • change: javascript minification now fully implemented to make file sizes smaller
  • chore: cleaned up css / stylesheet file
  • fix: content security policy (csp) error which appeared when using OpenGist demo website and other untrusted domains
  • deps: removed numerous deprecated packages, upgraded them to the latest releases

1.4.0 March 09, 2024

  • feat: added the ability to create, save, and update Github with your obsidian vault notes.
    • Can be activated by either right-clicking in your note somewhere, OR opening your Obsidian Command Palette and selecting the Save options.
  • feat: added new setting to adjust notification time in settings Global tab
  • feat: added Gistr plugin update notification for both stable and beta releases
  • feat: added new settings tab Save & Sync
  • feat: added github gist api status indicator in settings
    • todo: add setting in v1.4.1 to disable update notification if the user wishes. for now it just pops up for a few seconds as a notification box in the top right.
  • feat: added ability to either manualy create gists, or have Gistr constantly monitor notes for changes and then push those changes to a gist repo.
  • change: all sliders now have visual integer to the right of the slider so that users dont have to hover to view the current configured value
  • change: getting started modal interface updated
  • change: made minor edits to color scheme for OpenGist
    • todo: add color options for different language objects, (e.g.: variables, functions, globals, comments, etc)
  • change: stable releases will now be minified to reduce code / comments
  • change: codeblock opacity minimum changed from 0 to 0.20
  • housekeeping: cleaned up debug prints, ensured others dont display unless in development environment
  • perf: made changes to help increase performance. since there is now a feature to constantly check for updates to notes, every microsecond counts.
  • fix: getting started modal was not opening for users. fixed the variable being stored.

1.3.1 March 07, 2024

  • change: stylesheet properties
  • fixed: ew minor inconsistencies
  • added: prep-work libraries for upcoming v1.4.0 update
  • added: frontmatter package to handle adding / editing gists

1.3.0 March 06, 2024

  • feat: added opacity setting for Github and Opengist code blocks
  • feat: added auto-refresh in reading / preview mode
    • When changes to the settings are made, they will automatically update in Reading mode
  • feat: added "Text Wrapping" mode in Global Settings
    • If enabled, text will wrap to the next line instead of showing a scrollbar for certain types of documents.
    • Text wrapping mode does NOT work if you have a gist which has absolutely no spaces anywhere in the text.
  • feat: added Github Personal Access Token field
    • This will be used for the upcoming features which allow you to save / edit gists from your Obsidian vault.
    • It is not needed if you want to just embed gists in your notes.
    • Validates the token entered and notifies the user if the token is proper
  • change: modified theme colors for Github and Opengist to make things more colorful
  • change: made custom CSS boxes wider since certain themes were tiny
  • change: colored settings text between Light and Dark theme settings to make things easier to read
  • change: tabs in settings now has cursor pointer to indicate it is clickable

1.2.0 March 04, 2024

  • feat(github): added support for Github dark theme
  • feat(github): added new colorization options for github themes
  • feat(themes): added new color theme option to change codeblock text color
  • feat(themes): can now force a specific theme on both Github and Opengist snippets
    • append &themename to the end of the gist url
  • change(themes): theme dropdown box moved to "Global" menu tab
  • perf: minor optimization adjustments
  • chore: cleaned up stylesheet management for Github and OpenGist

1.1.0 March 02, 2024

  • added: color-picker for settings
  • added: new theme system for OpenGist snippets which allows each gist codeblock to be assigned a different theme
  • chore: cleaned up code
  • perf: minor optimizations to how gists are processed which makes them faster loading now.

1.0.0 Feb 29, 2024

  • Initial release