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This section explains the various properties that can be used when creating an embedded link within your mkdocs. A list of the available properties have been outlined below, as well as a description of what each one does and how to use them.


You have numerous properties you can set for each embedded link:

Property Description
url Path to the website you want to link to
name Name to display at the top of the embedded link block
desc A description to show below the name for the codeblock
image An image that will display on the left side of the embedded codeblock. Name and description will show on the right of the image
favicon Favicon / small image that will display to the left side of the website address
favicon_size Size of the favicon to display next to the website link
target Specifies how a link will open, either in the same window, or a new window
accent An accent color which borders the embedded link box



The url property is the only required property that you must set when embedding a website. Simply specify the url property, followed by a colon :, and then the URL to the website you wish to mebed.



0.1.0 Untitled

The name property displays the website title at the top of your embedded website codeblock. If you do not specify a name when adding a new embedded link, the title for the website will be automatically collected by the plugin.

name:   Mkdocs Material Theme
Write your documentation in Markdown and create a professional static site in minutes – searchable, customizable, in 60+ languages, for all devices


0.1.0 No description

The desc property displays below the website name. It is a short description that describes the website. By not specifying the desc property; the plugin will automatically scan the website and pull the description provided by the website developer.

desc:   A custom theme for Mkdocs that makes things look cool.



The image property allows you to display an image to the left of each embedded website. You can either provide the url and let the plugin automatically fetch an image to use, or you can force your own image to be used.

The example below will automatically fetch an image to use from the website you specified:




To manually use your own image, provide the image property.


On top of being able to specify an image to use; you can also disable images completely by using false as the property value:

image:    false



If you decide to not use an image, you will see the following:

Write your documentation in Markdown and create a professional static site in minutes – searchable, customizable, in 60+ languages, for all devices


0.1.3 false

A favicon is a small, 16x16 pixel icon used on web browsers to represent a website or a web page. Short for “favorite icon,”' favicons are commonly displayed on tabs at the top of a web browser, but they're also found on your browser's bookmark bar, history and in search results, alongside the page url.

Favicon Performance Impact

Numerous libraries were tested for scraping websites for favicons, which presented a series of issues and slow performance. This plugin presents a custom method for scaping websites for favicons, which does improve performance, however, if your documentation contains a lot of links; building the documentation may take a bit of time.

If you provide an override favicon path; the plugin will not waste the resources trying to find the website favicon which improves performance. If you disable favicons all-together via your mkdocs.yml, or for a certain links; it will also improve performance.

This only affects building your mkdocs, not using the website as a visitor.

The example below will automatically fetch the favicon to use from the website you specified:




To manually use your own favicon, provide the favicon property.


With the code provided above, we grabbed a random image and set it as the favicon, which will show the following:

Write your documentation in Markdown and create a professional static site in minutes – searchable, customizable, in 60+ languages, for all devices


0.1.3 false

If you wish to hide the favicon completely, instead of using a website URL, set the property to false.

favicon:  false

If you decide to not use an image, you will see the following:

Write your documentation in Markdown and create a professional static site in minutes – searchable, customizable, in 60+ languages, for all devices

You'll notice that the small icon to the left of the website URL has disappeared.


0.1.5 25

Additionally, you can force your favicon to use a certain size. This is useful for images that may not appear properly at smaller sizes, or if the icon is hard to see due to similar colors. To change the favicon size, use the favicon_size property:

favicon_size: 26
Write your documentation in Markdown and create a professional static site in minutes – searchable, customizable, in 60+ languages, for all devices

The above code will set the size of your favicon to 26 x 26 pixels for width and height. Ensure that you do not set this value too high, otherwise it will look too big for the embedded codeblock compared to the size of the other elements.


0.1.6 true

The target property allows you to define how a link will open when it is pressed. There are two options available:

  1. Open link in the same window they're using to browse your documenation
  2. Open link in new window, allowing them to also stay on your documentation site

You can define target in the following manner:

target:       blank
target:       self

A few keywords have been added so that you can have an easier time remembering what the values are. You may enter any of the following words:

Target Acceptable Words
New Window _blank, blank, new, window, open
Same Window _self, self, same, current

If no target is specified; all links will open in a new window.


0.1.7 FFFFFF1A

The accent property allows you to change the outline color which surrounds the embedded link box. It accepts hex values with an opacity

Write your documentation in Markdown and create a professional static site in minutes – searchable, customizable, in 60+ languages, for all devices
accent:   D84689FF

Write your documentation in Markdown and create a professional static site in minutes – searchable, customizable, in 60+ languages, for all devices
accent:   4C59BFE0

Using Hex

To create custom colors, you can use combinations of the hexadecimal numbers, which represent specific colors. For a hex color, there are six digits of hexadecimal values. Each pair of two digits represents red, green, and blue. The pattern looks like #RRGGBB (where red is R, green is G, and blue is B).

Colors are represented by a combination of red, green, and blue values. The lowest value (00) will be the darkest version of the color (closest to black), and the highest value (FF) will be the lightest version of the color (closest to white).

Each single value can be any of the following:

Type Characters
Numerical 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9
Alphabetic A, B, C, D, E, F

The following is a list of common colors to show how your color values should appear:

Color Hex
Black 000000
Silver C0C0C0
Gray 808080
Red FF0000
Yellow FFFF00
Green 008000
Blue 0000FF

Using Hex Opacity

When it comes to hex colors with opacity / transparency, you will add an additional two values to the hex color, meaning in total, you will have 8 values with the structure RRGGBBAA. 00 being completely opaque / transparent, and FF being solid. A list of the values for opacity and their percentages have been listed below. (click the box to show)

Hex Opacity / Transparency Values
  100% — FF
  99% — FC
  98% — FA
  97% — F7
  96% — F5
  95% — F2
  94% — F0
  93% — ED
  92% — EB
  91% — E8
  90% — E6
  89% — E3
  88% — E0
  87% — DE
  86% — DB
  85% — D9
  84% — D6
  83% — D4
  82% — D1
  81% — CF
  80% — CC
  79% — C9
  78% — C7
  77% — C4
  76% — C2
  75% — BF
  74% — BD
  73% — BA
  72% — B8
  71% — B5
  70% — B3
  69% — B0
  68% — AD
  67% — AB
  66% — A8
  65% — A6
  64% — A3
  63% — A1
  62% — 9E
  61% — 9C
  60% — 99
  59% — 96
  58% — 94
  57% — 91
  56% — 8F
  55% — 8C
  54% — 8A
  53% — 87
  52% — 85
  51% — 82
  50% — 80
  49% — 7D
  48% — 7A
  47% — 78
  46% — 75
  45% — 73
  44% — 70
  43% — 6E
  42% — 6B
  41% — 69
  40% — 66
  39% — 63
  38% — 61
  37% — 5E
  36% — 5C
  35% — 59
  34% — 57
  33% — 54
  32% — 52
  31% — 4F
  30% — 4D
  29% — 4A
  28% — 47
  27% — 45
  26% — 42
  25% — 40
  24% — 3D
  23% — 3B
  22% — 38
  21% — 36
  20% — 33
  19% — 30
  18% — 2E
  17% — 2B
  16% — 29
  15% — 26
  14% — 24
  13% — 21
  12% — 1F
  11% — 1C
  10% — 1A
  9% — 17
  8% — 14
  7% — 12
  6% — 0F
  5% — 0D
  4% — 0A
  3% — 08
  2% — 05
  1% — 03
  0% — 00


If you would like a visual color picker, utilize the tool below:

Use our free online color picker tool to generate beautiful color palettes. Manually adjust HEX codes, HSB, and RGB values as needed!

For a color picker with Hex + Opacity, visit:

A fast and simple RGB 0-1 color picker. Red, Green, Blue values are decimals between 0 and 1. Drag to change color and copy the RGB 0-1 value in one click.