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Formatting Rules

This section explains a few important notes to take into consideration when creating embedded links within your mkdocs.


When formatting your embedded link codeblock; you can structure it however you desire. It is not sensitive to how many spaces you use, or if you wrap your links or property values in quotation marks. Anything is acceptable.

The following examples show how properties within your embedded note can be structured:

url: ''
url:    ""

The only aspect that is required is the name of the property, a colon, and then the value:

property: value

Line Breaks

When adding an embedded codeblock, make sure there is at least one blank line BEFORE the codeblock, and one after. This ensures that guides like this can actually display the raw code for the embedded block instead of having the code transform into a rendered embedded link.

< --- BLANK LINE HERE --- >
url   :
< --- BLANK LINE HERE --- >

Metadata Priority

If you create an embedded link codeblock and only specify the url property; the plugin will scan the website and automatically fetch information such as:

  • The name for the website from the website's html tag og:title
  • A description for the website from the website's html tag og:description
  • An image / logo that the plugin can display from website's html tag og:image
  • A specified favicon, usually defined by the website's html tag icon or shortcut icon

If you decide to manually override any one of the properties listed above; that custom value will have priority over the automatically fetched value.

Take the following as an example:

name:       My Title
Write your documentation in Markdown and create a professional static site in minutes – searchable, customizable, in 60+ languages, for all devices

In the example above, only url and name were specified. By specifying a custom name, desc, image, or favicon; you are overriding whatever the plugin was able to automatically fetch from the website; and your custom specified value will be used instead of the automatically fetched name.

However, since only the name was specified, the other properties will still use the automatically fetched information captured from the specified website.

Accent Colors

When specifying an accent color for your embedded links, you may specify a hex color with or without the pound symbol # Both examples are acceptable:

accent:  d9204ce0
accent:  #d9204ce0