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Download Patches

After you have installed CSF, ConfigServer WebUI, and enabled both lfd and csf services; it's now time to run the patcher. The patcher will check your current configuration, and add a series of iptable rules so that apps like Docker and OpenVPN can communicate with the outside world and users can access your services.


The patcher includes several patches:


Allows for you to restart CSF without having to restart your docker containers. Scans every container you have set up in docker and adds a whitelist firewall rule. Automatically enables CSF Docker Mode.


Allows VPN clients to connect to your OpenVPN server without being blocked by the CSF firewall.


Within your server, change to whatever directory where you want to download the patcher:

cd $HOME/Documents

Next, ensure you have the package git installed so that we can use it to fetch the patch:

sudo apt-get install git

Clone the patch repo:

git clone

Finally, set new permissions on the patcher's file by running the command:

sudo chmod +x /patch/

The patcher is now on your system and ready to run. However, before we run the patcher; there are a few things that need to be configured. Do not run the patch yet.

Proceed to the Configure section.

Next Steps

Instructions for configuring the patches included