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Cheatsheet: File & Folder Structure

When installing, configuring, and running CSF; it is helpful to know where files and folders are stored within your system, and what their purpose is. A list of these files and folders used by CSF are provided below:

Directory Structure

Directories associated with ConfigServer Filewall which house all of the files used to configure and manage CSF.

Folder Description
/etc/csf/ configuration files
/var/lib/csf/ temporary data files
/usr/local/csf/bin/ scripts
/usr/local/csf/lib/ perl modules and static data
/usr/local/csf/tpl/ email alert templates

File Structure

Files associated with ConfigServer Firewall configuration and management.

File Description
/etc/csf/csf.conf The main configuration file.
/etc/csf/csf.allow A list of IP's and CIDR addresses that should always be allowed through the firewall.
/etc/csf/csf.deny A list of IP's and CIDR addresses that should never be allowed through the firewall.
/etc/csf/csf.ignore A list of IP's and CIDR addresses that the login failure daemon should ignore and not not block if detected.
/etc/csf/csf.*ignore Various ignore files that list files, users, IP's that the login failure daemon should ignore.
/lib/systemd/system/lfd.service Service file for lfd (ConfigServer Firewall)
/lib/systemd/system/csf.service Service file for csf (Login Failure Daemon)

Patcher Files

The following files are associated with the ConfigServer Firewall patcher which adds special iptable rules so that CSF can communicate with Docker & OpenVPN.

File Description
/usr/local/csf/bin/ Patcher pre script. Runs before CSF configures iptables
/usr/local/csf/bin/ Patcher post script. Runs after CSF configures iptables
/usr/local/include/csf/post.d/ Docker patch for CSF which adds firewall rules for Docker and CSF
/usr/local/include/csf/post.d/ OpenVPN patch for CSF which adds firewall rules for OpenVPN and CSF